Archive for the ‘GalleyChat’ Category

GalleyChat Roundup, July, 2023

Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

Roundups of the July GalleyChat, held  on Twitter, are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, July, 2023 — link to a spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from comments, notes on debuts, diversity titles, and those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, August 3 rd, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is August 1, for books publishing in September. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, June 2023

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Roundups of the June GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, June, 2023 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, 7/6/23, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is July 1, for books publishing in August. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, May 2023

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023

Roundups of the May GalleyChat, held simultaneously on Twitter and Mastodon, are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, May, 2023 — link to a spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from comments, notes on debuts, diversity titles, and those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, June 1st, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is June 1, for books publishing in July. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, April 2023

Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

Roundups of the April GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, April, 2023 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for TUESDAY (note change from our regular first Thursday), 5/2/23, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is May 1, for books publishing in June. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, March 2023

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

Roundups of the March GalleyChat, held simultaneously on Twitter and Mastodon, are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, March, 2023 — link to a spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from comments, notes on debuts, diversity titles, and those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, April 6th, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails). NOTE: May’s chat will be held on a Tuesday May 2, to avoid conflict with LJ’s Day of Dialog on Thursday, May 4.

The next LibraryReads deadline is April 1, for books publishing in May. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, Feb. 2023

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023

Roundups of the February GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Feb, 2023 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, March,  2nd,  4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is March 1, for books publishing in April. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, Jan. 2023

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

Roundups of the January GalleyChat are below. This month, we held the chat simultaneously on Twitter and Mastodon. The majority of the activity was on Twitter. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc. The following roundups of titles cover both chats.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Jan, 2023 — link to a spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from comments, notes on debuts, diversity titles, and those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is February 1, for books publishing in March. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

New Year, New EWGC

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

Several of our long-time GalleyChatters have left Twitter, finding it inhospitable.

Fearing this may become a trend, we are migrating our GalleyChats to a new platform, Mastodon.

Mastodon explains itself in this video:

To ease into it, we will hold this month’s chat, Thursday January 5th, 4 t0 5 pm ET (3:30 for pre-chat cocktails),  on both Twitter and Mastodon. Please choose just ONE for your posts with the hashtag #ewgc. UPDATE, on second thought, use either or both, if you want to practice. I’ll sort it out in the roundup.

If Mastodon seems to work for us, we will hold the February 2nd chat on Mastodon only.

For those who are want to make the switch now —

  1. Create your account here 
  2. Mastodon will ask you to choose a “server instance”.  Mastodon is decentralized across independently managed servers, each of which is administered separately and has its own rules. You can join GalleyChat from any of the servers by using our hashtag #ewgc. EarlyWord and several GalleyChatters chose
  3. If you don’t like Mastodon’s default black background, you can change the setting to “light” under Preferences
  4. Looking for an alternative to TweetDeck? Try Sengi —
  5. For those who want to schedule posts on Mastodon (called “toots” in Mastodon parlance), this article will help (thanks, Janet for finding it) —

GalleyChat Roundup, Dec. 2022

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Roundups of the December GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

This month, several titles come from the 17 members of the ALMA (Adult Library Marketing Association) book buzz held on Wednesday, Nov. 30th. Those titles are noted on the spreadsheet. See the video here.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Dec, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, Jan,  5th,  4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).

The next LibraryReads deadline is Jan 1, for books publishing in February. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, Nov. 2022

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Roundups of the November GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Nov, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, one title not listed on Edelweiss, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, December 1st, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is December 1, for books publishing in January. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, Oct. 2022

Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

Roundups of the October GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Oct, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3rd,  4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails). Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is Nov. 1, for books publishing in December. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, Sept. 2022

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

Roundups of the September GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, Sept, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, a few titles not listed on Edelweiss, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, October 6th, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is October 1, for books publishing in November. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, August 2022

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

We returned to our usual fast pace in the August chat, with nearly 250 titles discussed.. Roundups are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, August, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. It also lists a few titles that are not in the Edelweiss catalog. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 1st, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails). Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is Sept 1, for books publishing in October. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, July 2022

Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

Roundups of the July GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, July, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, August 4th, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is August 1, for books publishing in September. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.

GalleyChat Roundup, June, 2022

Wednesday, June 8th, 2022

We experienced some Twitter issues during the June chat. As a result, there were fewer titles than usual, around 170, down from a high of 250. We don’t know what happened, one of our GalleyChatters received a notice that posts were being held back for potentially “harmful content.” Maybe that proves what we’ve always thought, reading can be a dangerous activity. Roundups are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.

EarlyWord GalleyChat, June, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.

Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.

Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, July 7th, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.

The next LibraryReads deadline is July 1, for books publishing in August. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.