The sequel to Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (Quirk Books) arrives this coming January. Entertainment Weekly reveals the title, Hollow City, (Quirk Books, 9781594746123, pbk, $17.99; AudioGo) along with a preview (no photos and no cover, however).

As to Miss Peregrine, the movie, a  screenwriter was assigned in December of 2011. Tim Burton was rumored to be interested in directing it, but there’s been no recent news and Burton is now at work on a biopic about painter Margaret Keane, whose kitschy portraits of kids with enormous eyes were popular in the ’60’s. It’s being called, of course, Big Eyes.

On his Web site, Riggs announces that he is going on tour in June for the paperback of Miss Peregrine, which will also include some extra photos and the first chapter of Hollow City.

Below is the book trailer for Miss Peregrine.

2 Responses to “Sequel to MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME”

  1. Ruth A. Stiles Says:

    I just finished reading Miss Peregrine so I am excited to hear that a sequel is being developed.

  2. Becky Bridges Says:

    Thank goodness! I’ve been so worried about those poor children all alone, afloat in that boat!