Embargoed: 4% Solution

The NYT notes that George W. Bush, after remaining largely silent on the upcoming presidential campaign, “gingerly enters the fray a little more this week with a new book outlining ways to rebuild the economy.”

Coming on Tuesday is a collection of essays by various economists called The 4% Solution because it offers ideas on how to expand the economy by that amount per year. Bush has written the introduction and will launch the book at an event in Dallas tomorrow. The NYT calls it a “wonky paean to free enterprise.”

The book was embargoed, so several libraries have not ordered it. Those that have are showing few holds.

The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs
The Bush Institute
Retail Price: $26.00
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Crown Business – (2012-07-17)
ISBN / EAN: 0307986144 / 9780307986146


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