Stewart Interviews Kantor
Jodi Kantor’s book, The Obamas,(Hachette/Little Brown; Thorndike large print) has received unrelenting press attention for its portrayal of Michelle Obama.
Kantor’s most recent appearance was on Daily Show Monday night. The book however, did not receive the expected “Stewart bump” on Amazon sales rankings (it actually went down after the show, from #48 to #66; it’s now at #82).
Stewart said that press attention, like the “lady on CNN yelling at you” (referring to Soledad O’Brien interview with her on “Starting Point,” which followed her earlier criticism of the book on a “Get Real” segment) got him interested, but that he was surprised at how little controversy the book actually contains. Instead, he said, it portrays the First Lady as “a complex yet human individual struggling with this unbelievable situation, yet remaining the moral compass and center of an administration trying to find its footing.”
Guess that doesn’t play as well as an “angry black woman” who doesn’t enjoy her position.