HIGH FINANCIER Author Hits the Media
Niall Ferguson is known for his 2008 best seller, The Ascent of Money. His new book High Financier, a bio of Siegmund Warburg and how his economic principles could have prevented the current global economic crises, releases tomorrow.
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Ferguson has emerged as a major critic of economist Paul Krugman, who supports economic stimulus. He discussed his views yesterday with Tom Ashbrook on NPR’s On Point.
He also stepped out of his role as an economist to comment on General McChrystal’s critism of the President’s handling of the war in Afghanistan in Rolling Stone article on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
As a result, his book, which was regarded by PW as a weak bio of a largely-forgotten figure in British banking, rose to # 126, from #7,111 on Amazon’s sales rankings yesterday. Libraries we checked are showing holds of 1:1 on light ordering.
The On Point with Tom Ashbrook web site features the following rap about the schism between two schools of economic thought; John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek (whose 1944 book, The Road to Serfdom rose to #1 on Amazon last week and continues at #7 today, because of a passionate endorsement by Glenn Beck).