Will New Finance Books Fly?
In the next two weeks, notable books about Wall Street go on sale, but will anyone be reading? That’s the question we’ve been hearing from librarians, who say that even seriously interested readers are hitting the saturation point on finance-related subjects.
Libraries we checked had few holds and few copies of these two titles, released next week. Still, here’s what you need to know:
The Zeros: My Misadventures in the Decade Wall St. Went Insane by Randall Lane, in which entrepreneur Lane chronicles the time he spent working on Wall Street during its greedy heyday, was compared to Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker in PW’s London Bookfair preview. There will also be an excerpt in the July issue of Vanity Fair.
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High Financier: The Lives and Time of Siegmund Warburg by Niall Ferguson is the biography of one the members of the famous banking family. Ferguson had a hit in 2008 with The Ascent of Money.
PW was not very impressed:
Ferguson uses Warburg’s life as a window onto European unification and Britain’s postwar economic malaise, but his account, which is constantly distracted by deal making and office politics at Warburgs banking partnership, is too unsystematic to do these topics justice.
It is also available simultaneously from Tantor Audio,
14 Audio CDs; (Retail Pkg); 9781400114986; $29.99
14 Audio CDs (Library Binder Pkg); 9781400144983; $71.99
2 Mp3-CDs (Retail Pkg); 9781400164981; $22.49