Esther Hautzig
Esther Hautzig meant a lot to me. Her book, The Endless Steppe, a survival story about a family exiled to Siberia during WW II, was one that I read over and over again as a child. I must have borrowed it from the synagogue library, a small room where they trusted you to take and return books on your own. I was in the middle of a run of holocaust books like When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit.
Thirty years later, when I met Esther Hautzig at a celebration for Books for the Teenaged at New York Public Library, I was speechless. Then I burst into tears; that’s how real the narrator was to me.
Esther passed away on Sunday (read her obituary in the New York Times). Her funeral will be held today in New York City:
Wednesday, November 4, at 1:00
Plaza Jewish Community Chapel
Amsterdam and 91st Street
Full information is available here.
November 5th, 2009 at 9:25 am
Esther was a friend of my family (via my aunt). Meeting her, while not knowing she was “Esther Hautzig” was meeting a neat lady with a real talent for story. Then when I learned who she was…