What collectionHQ
Can Do for You
Save Time
Free up to 3 person
years in resources
Eliminate Waste
Eliminate up to $300K
in wasted spend
By up to 23%
collectionHQ tells you what
action to take to improve the
performance of your collection.
Dear Librarians,
Since our launch in the US last year, over 50 public libraries have begun using collectionHQ to help manage their collections, with ten to twenty libraries coming on board monthly. Maggie Tarelli-Falcon, Assistant Director, Omaha (NE) Public Library says it's the "Best collection development tool; it tells us what is working, what needs to go, what we're buying too much of as well as what we're buying too little of." CollectionHQ also helped her get a major weeding project off the ground.
If you'd like to know more about what collectionHQ can do for you, click here to request a demo. Also, if you will be attending Day of Dialog, BEA or ALA Annual, let us know, so we can invite you to review the product with us.
Ian Downie
Contact us today to learn more!
These libraries have recently signed up for collectionHQ
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Ian Downie, Commercial Manager
Introduction to the benefits of collectionHQ
“Now more than ever your collection must meet the needs of your patrons;
It must be up-to-date, complete and most of all, be delivered on budget.”
We help you select and manage your collection.