Best Books Lists, 2015, UPDATES

We are getting close to the wrap up of the Best Books list of 2015.

Today, Booklist released their picks, with a bit of a grumble from Editor Keir Graff that “The rush to be first has caused some of our competitors to release their year’s-best lists even earlier this year.”

We’ve also noticed lists coming earlier and earlier each year. We remember a day when Booklist didn’t release theirs until beginning of the new year.

Still to come are the various ALA lists, but this wraps up the critics picks.

Below are our updated downloadable spreadsheets compiling the adult lists.Llook for our Childrens and YA by the end of the week.

2015 Best Books Fiction – V3

2015 Best Books Nonfiction, V3

2015 Best Books Poetry V2


One Response to “Best Books Lists, 2015, UPDATES”

  1. Robin B Says:

    I remember putting together my “best of the year” lists for the library and before lists were available on the Internet, having to wait for Booklist as it seemed they were always the last to publish the lists. By the time the magazine trickled down to me, it would be late January, so I’m very thankful for all of the publications that get their lists out by mid-December, even if a few December publications get passed by. And I know I’ve said it multiple times, but Nora, you rock! I really appreciate these spreadsheets; they have come in handy so many times over the past month.